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BANNER -Networksfor_

One of the compounds that most contributes to the odors at water treatment plants is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), created by the anaerobic decay of organic matter. However, the appearance of odorous gas increases when there are brusque movements provoking turbulences (bombing, waterfalls, etc.) and when the temperature rise.

ENVIROCARE IoT has developed a solution to monitor odors at WTPs, so that the managers of the WTP can know their origin and their dispersion, warn the plant operator about the pollution levels that can affect people, detect inefficiencies at the plant and, consequently, take the measures required.

Real-time monitoring

The system includes:

1) A network of analyzers.

2) The data are collected by a data acquisition system (datalogger).

3) Envira DS control center for the validation and exploitation of the data, with the possibility to create warnings if the expert system identifies risk situations or anomalous events.

The sampling method used is a 100 ml/min aspiration micropump, and up to four sensors per equipment can be installed. The most usual parameters to monitor residual odors at WTPs are:

  • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
  • Ammonia (NH3).
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

The odor monitoring solution at WTPs contributes to

Provide useful information about the origin of the odors.

Detect inefficiencies at the plant.

Comply with the legislation.

Integrate with deodorization strategies.

Set up warnings in case the limit values are surpassed.

Improve the image of the company, in accordance with their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Communication modules

Currently, ENVIROCARE IoT has the following homologated technologies:

Data display, queries and analysis

The solution developed by ENVIROCARE IoT enables to set up all the elements in the system, calibration, communications and downloading of data. The data collected by the sensors are transmitted to the ENVIROCARE DS platform to keep under control the monitoring of odors at the WTP. This way, you will have access to the relevant information that is useful for the management of the plant.

With this solution, you can feed mathematical models for the dispersion of pollutants, which predict and model the foreseeable peaks of pollution in the next hours, so you can quantify the intensity of their impact, how long will they will and the number of people affected.

Undoubtedly, it offers very valuable information to operate at the plant: to add chemical compounds, to start up different filters, or to plan certain tasks that produce more or less odor.

Warning systems

It includes a warning system for the plant’s manager in case the expert system identifies risk situations, incidents or anomalous events.

The warnings to the users can be sent by SMS (additional hardware is needed, or else a subscription to a messaging service) or by e-mail.

The system is customized for each user, so you can set up which monitoring points are going to receive information about and the levels that will generate the warning. The users, from their own mobile phone, can check the values and, if required, activate the warning protocols considered necessary. Our systems can also exchange data with systems developed by third parties, for which we develop specific connectors.

Reliability, stability and accuracy in monitoring

The calibration of sensors included in the solution for monitoring odors at WTP is conducted manually, one by one, at ENVIROCARE IoT laboratory with internationally acknowledged standards.Both the calibration process of the equipment at the laboratory and the corrections applied are conducted with the purpose of offering maximum reliability and stability in the results. All the sensors are subjected to tests so that the final result is the most accurate and reliable, a guarantee of accurate and mistake-free monitoring.


Open solution, can be integrated with external developments at any level (device, connectivity, CLOUD or user application).

An unlimited number of devices can be included in future expansions.

High-reliable and available data in real time.

Tailored system.

Total adaptation and integration with emergency plans.

Creation of data history for public administrations.

Products for perimeter monitoring at industrial facilities


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Envirocare IOT