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Atmospheric gas programs “in situ”

An “in situ” proficiency testing program for atmospheric gases comprises several intercomparison exercises carried out regularly. These exercises include gases whose determination requires automatic real-time monitoring and that are mentioned in current legal regulations (Royal Decree 102/2011 of 28 January, on the improvement of air quality). Some of those gases included in the proficiency testing programs are:
SO2, NO, NO2, O3, CO, SH2, Benzene

Programs with standard bottles

Other type of proficiency testing programs is sending bottles to the client with an unknown concentration. The purpose is to check the measuring capacity of the participant companies in traceable conditions. The analyses of the bottles are performed in the calibration laboratory of ENVIRA IoT, where ENAC traceability patterns are used.


Purposes of the proficiency testing program


Guaranteeing the traceability and quality of the data.

Assessing the performance of the participant networks and/or laboratories.

Identifying systematic failures.

Checking compatibility indexes.

Complying with the quality objectives of the details established in the legislation.

Using the input collected to validate the measuring methods.

Proving specialized competence to third parties.

Envirocare IOT